WWE’s Big Show talks about his current career goals

With his win over Cody Rhodes last month at WrestleMania, the Big Show exacted revenge for the embarrassing video packages of Show‘s less-than-stellar WrestleMania history Rhodes had been airing. But with this victory, the man billed as “The World’s Largest Athlete” also became the Intercontinental Champion for the first time in his decorated career. As he prepares to defend that title in a rematch against Rhodes this Sunday at Extreme Rules, the Big Show talks to Wrestling with Pop Culture about his current goals in wrestling and helping younger Florida Championship Wrestling talent become the next generation of WWE superstars.

Prior to WrestleMania, the Intercontinental title was the only current title you hadn’t held. At this point in your career, is there anything else you have yet to accomplish that you’d like to do?

Courtesy WWE

There are a lot of things I still want to accomplish in my career. It’s funny, I don’t have a room full of trophies and titles and magazines and action figures and all that stuff. I think there’s a room in my house where my wife has all that stuff boxed up, but I’m still looking for next week’s show, next week’s event, next month’s event. I’m still having too much fun performing. I think I’m actually doing a better job now than I’ve done my entire career as far as in-ring performance, promo ability and all that stuff, so I’m still having fun. As long as I can stay on the active roster and stay competitive, I don’t see myself doing anything else.

As far as goals, I just want to help make the business better than it was when I came in. That’s all I can do. I don’t have any wisdom for you. Sorry, buddy. I’m a working man.

Is there anyone you haven’t faced or have yet to defeat that you’d like to face?

I’ve never been really big on the win-loss thing. I’ve probably had a couple thousand matches and I couldn’t tell you how many I’ve won or lost. I can’t tell you what I did four weeks ago. But there’s a lot of new up-and-coming talent from FCW and a lot of up-and-coming talent on our current roster I wouldn’t mind getting in the ring and rolling around with because someday they’re going to be pretty big stars themselves. It’d be nice to be able to say I’ve been in the ring with those guys. I’ve been fortunate enough to have been in the ring with a lot of the most fantastic stars this business has ever seen, and some of the new talent coming up looks pretty amazing, too. It’ll be fun to get in there and rock ‘n’ roll with them a little bit.

Is there anyone in particular you’d like to mention?

Ah, you’ll see.

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