Ring of Honor brings two sold out shows to Center Stage

With a sold out show tonight at Center Stage, followed by another sold out show tomorrow afternoon, Ring of Honor brings its show to Atlanta for the first time. As part of the wrestling guide we helped Creative Loafing put together, WPC talked to ROH president Cary Silkin, Jim Cornette and the National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion Colt Cabana, who will not only be part of both ROH shows, but will also be hosting his $5 Wrestling Show at Academy Theatre tomorrow night.

While both show are sold out, you can still see them on Internet pay-per-view at Gofightlive.tv. There are also still tickets available for a meet-and-greet with ROH wrestlers tomorrow at 10 a.m.

Here are links to all three interviews (with a little bit more of the conversation I had with Cornette), followed by a link to all the event details.


Jim Cornette (courtesy Ring of Honor)

You’ve been with Ring of Honor for about a year and a half now. What exactly is your role with the company?

I just show up and do a little of everything. I’ve been an executive producer for the HDNet show and I’ve helped these newer guys who may not be used to working with cameras and doing interviews. I’ve helped with training and help them stay calm so they learn how to tell a story and show their personalities. I’ve been a strong proponent of getting Ring of Honor into new territories and markets. I promote the live events and pay-per-views, do commentary and just lend my experience as much as possible.


ROH president Cary Silkin with the Briscoes (courtesy Ring of Honor)



Colt Cabana (couretesy Ring of Honor)



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