“The Demigod” Mason speaks out about challenging Grotesque for the PCW Championship

By Jonathan Williams

Up until just a few months ago, anyone going to a Platinum Championship Wrestling show would expect to see “The Demigod” Mason coming to the ring flanked by his Witnesses and other self-righteous fanfare. As PCW’s self-proclaimed savior, Mason typically berates the audience and his opponents for being misguided heathens. But in recent months, Mason’s demeanor has gone through a gradual change that has seen him aligned with former PCW Champion Shane Marx and, more recently, becoming the number one contender for that same title, currently held by the demented Grotesque. Since Mason’s apparent shift in ideology, he has refrained from his usual oratories and has been unusually silent in front of PCW audiences. Tonight, Mason looks to gain his first PCW Championship as he takes on the seemingly unstoppable Grotesque in a steel cage main event at Sacred Ground: Chapter 2. As he prepares for perhaps the biggest challenge of his career, Mason grants his exclusive interview to Wrestling with Pop Culture.

It was only a few months ago that you were talking down to the PCW audience and disliked by most fans. After an odd series of events you’ve somehow become a fan favorite and number one contender for the PCW Heavyweight Championship. Why would you say you’ve become a fan favorite as of late?

Photo by Jason Ventura

If you’ll remember correctly, I barred my witnesses from ringside a few months ago and took on Shane Marx one on one. I think that got the proverbial monkey off my back. I had faced Shane Marx six or seven times when he had the title and, in my mind, had he regained the title from Grotesque you’d be looking at the new World Heavyweight Champion already. But it was a turning point in my career and more about having to prove something to myself.

Not only that, but Shane Marx gained a lot of my respect that night. He had nothing to gain by taking on the challenge, but being the man that he is he came out to face me. When Jay Fury had to bow out of the tag team season with Marx because of an injury, Aisha Sunshine became his partner. Because of an injury she sustained from Pandora, that left him high and dry again. Having proven his mettle to me, I took it upon myself to go out there and stand next to him in the tag team season.

It wasn’t completely altruistic. Of course I was there last year with my partner Scott Steele and we took it all the way to the finals. I have to give it to the Washington Bullets, they bested us in the finals. Then they took on myself and Shane Marx in what I assumed was an improved unit and they got the best of us again in a series of seven. Though I won’t be in the finals, obviously at this point my goal is much higher as I’m looking at Grotesque in a cage at Sacred Ground.

Grotesque seems to be unstoppable, especially since he became the champion a few months ago. He went so far as to wield a chainsaw against Chip Day, then against you last week. How do you think being in a cage with him will change that dynamic?

Photo by Jason Ventura

As you’re aware, Grotesque is part of the Empire. The Empire has been nothing but a menace since they’ve come into PCW. To this point, it has really been other members of the Empire that have been trying to take me out, like Sylar Cross, Lee Roy, Master Jae and all the other Empire lackeys. Being in the cage with a monster who seemingly doesn’t feel pain? I’ve never once seen him get pinned. His one loss was a supposed knockout, but he tore a turnbuckle off the ring and proceeded to jam into the mouth of referee Duke Korey and terrorize the crowd after that match. So I don’t know how unconscious Grotesque was, but the Phantom does have one victory over him. I’m not going to sit here and tell you it’s not a tall task. It’s nearly insurmountable. But I will find a way. I’m a very resourceful man, in case you haven’t noticed.

Since aligning yourself with Shane Marx, then becoming the number on contender for the PCW title, you’ve said nothing publicly to the PCW audience. Why has the normally outspoken Mason had this change of demeanor or change of heart?

I don’t know if I’ve had a change of heart. I’m still the Demigod. I still lead a Nation of Witnesses, which is one of the most loyal followings to this day. My focus has certainly changed. It has changed from needing to get the message across being my sole reason for wrestling to acquiring the championship belt to further spread my message.

It’s a cold, dark world out there, Jonathan Williams. I’m not sure it’s a world you’re ready to face. I still offer my services to any of the Witnesses who lack that direction, who lack that leadership in their lives. I am the prophet, I am the savior, I am “The Demigod” Mason.

Are you implying that I might need the type of guidance you offer?

I’ve offered once before. I’d offer again, Jon Williams, but not at the risk of being turned down twice. But are you saying you’d like to come live on the Nirvana Ranch?

I was just picking up on some implications and wanted to make sure I understood you correctly. Forgive my memory, but when was your previous offer extended to me?

I believe it was about this time last year. It’s an open door for you, Jon Williams. You’re always welcome to join the Witnesses.

I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve noticed that in recent months you’ve had only one Witness, though a seemingly very loyal one, accompanying you to the ring in PCW. What is the significance of the man now simply known as “The Witness” and why is he the only one you bring to the ring now?

Could this be Mason's fate against Grotesque at Sacred Ground? Photo by Jason Ventura

In the past, Witnesses have served a number of roles, some of which have been for destruction, some of which have been for sacrifice, sometimes they join me just to make my human staircase. This one Witness in particular has proven to follow me without regard for himself, which is truly an act of sacrifice. The man would fall on the spear and gets up over and over again. He’s always proven to have my back and to have that blind loyalty that’s necessary to be a Witness. He’s joined me recently and I’ve taught him a few things. He’s not the quickest, but certainly an extremely strong, big man. He’ll do the job.

Will he be part of your master plan to win the title at Sacred Ground?

Well, we’ll be in a cage. So I don’t know if he’s ready to climb the cage and jump over the top. But as far as controlling the outside, I’ll absolutely depend on him.

Sacred Ground: Chapter 2. $5-$12. 8 p.m. Sept. 24. Sharon Baptist Church, 536 North Ola Road, McDonough, Ga. 770-957-5072, www.platinumchampionshipwrestling.com.

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