Tag Archives: Ring Ka King

Matt Morgan looks to regain TNA Tag Team Championship at Victory Road

Since his Total Nonstop Action Wrestling debut in 2007, “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan has been one of the company’s most dominant forces in the ring. Often referring to himself as “the DNA of TNA,” Morgan has been on the verge of title contention a few times, but only recently tasted singles success by becoming the first Heavyweight Champion for Ring Ka King, TNA’s Indian promotion. But it’s been his tag team success with the equally dominant Crimson that has kept American audiences watching as the duo has battled the unlikely pairing of Samoa Joe and Magnus for the TNA World Tag Team Championship. Having lost the belts to Joe and Magnus last month at Against All Odds (and failing to regain them a couple of weeks later in an Impact Wrestling rematch), Morgan and Crimson look to get back on the same page this Sunday at Victory Road and regain the title belts. As he prepares for this pay-per-view event, Morgan takes a moment to talk to Wrestling with Pop Culture about his recent successes.

You and Crimson have made a formidable tag team despite your differences as of late. What do you think it will take for the two of you to get back on the same page and get your titles back this Sunday?

That’s a very good question, and you hit the nail on the head as far as the differences going on between the two of us. I think our Achilles’ heel is not so much miscommunication. The way we started, we tried to outshine one another. But I’ve been in other tag teams where that just doesn’t work. Sting put us together for a reason and that was to go get the Tag Team Championships and hold those damn things for a very long time, not to lose them to Joe and his boyfriend Magnus. So we just need to put our competitive natures aside and put them in the right direction, which is Joe and Magnus, do what we do best and go out there and dominate. There’s no reason in hell why the two of us should not be the most dominant tag team in pro wrestling today, other than pure ego. I’ve got a hell of an ego, I can admit that. But I put that thing in check for the greater good of the team and he needs to do the same damn thing.

You’re obviously focused on this big tag team match this weekend, but is the tag team scene where your heart is? You’ve been on the verge of title contention a few times and some people think you’re long overdue for a singles reign.

I couldn’t agree any more with that. Winning the Tag Team Championships is ultra important and one should take pride in wearing them. But at the same time, I got into pro wrestling for one reason and that’s to be the top dog and be the World Champion. I know it sounds like a catch phrase, but that’s what I truly believe. I came out of my mom’s womb a future World Champion and I’m sick of waiting.

TNA recently had success in India with Ring Ka King and also drew some large and enthusiastic crowds in England. Do you think TNA has the potential to grow in other international markets?

When we did the Ring Ka King thing in India, I’ll be the first to tell you I had no idea what was in store. I had never been there before. I know we get a lot of Indian fans tweeting and saying, “Why doesn’t TNA come to India?” Lo and behold, we launched Ring Ka King. I haven’t been to enough other markets to answer that properly, but I would imagine with the success of Ring Ka King there’s got to be some places out there that are just dying to have a wrestling show of their own. That’s what Ring Ka King is. The Indian fans have something they feel is their own and when they’re energetic about something they come out in droves. I’m talking about when you’re leaving the show they stop your car and they’re shaking it. They treat you like you’re a Beatle down there, no exaggeration. I would want to be a part of it if there is a project in store to go to another market and do another company under the TNA umbrella. I think Ring Ka King’s been a great blueprint, pardon the pun. So why not try it in other markets?

It’s funny that you refer to Magnus as Joe’s girlfriend considering that they’ve gotten the better of you and Crimson more than once, including matches for the tag team title. It was also Magnus who defeated you for the Ring Ka King Championship. What makes you think you and Crimson can get back on the same page and win the title back this Sunday?

Would you rather me refer to him as his girlfriend? Magnus has gotten a lot better, and in my opinion this is nothing he hasn’t been capable of doing since he started. I wrestled Magnus in his very first match with our company at a house show in England – Gladiator vs. Gladiator I believe was the billing. He’s very young, he has great aptitude, he’s very intelligent and he’s a good promo. In the meantime, I think he’s also stepped up his in-ring ability. I think that happens with every wrestler. When you get an opportunity to be put into a spotlit angle and the attention is on you, it’s easier for you to get more confidence out of that. You’ve got to be really bad to blow that opportunity, but Magnus is the opposite. He’s stepped up and really has improved in the ring.

I noticed his confidence rise when we were over in India. It was a good opportunity for all of us to go over there and I was the first champion. We established who our babyfaces were and now there’s a heel group RDX led by Jeff Jarrett with Abyss, Scott Steiner, Sonjay Dutt and Magnus. Once you put the title in the hands of that group, it’s that much more dominant. So now the fans are just dying to see a group of babyfaces, or one babyface, come out there and serve those bad guys their comeuppance. That’s what this business has been built upon for years and that’s what I think has been so successful in Ring Ka King.

What makes us think we can beat those two? We’ve done it before and to be perfectly honest, we’re bigger, stronger and way more athletic. If we are on the same page, I like us being on the same page better than those two being on the same page. That’s why I think we can beat them.

Your partnership with Crimson has kind of outlasted many people’s expectations. Going into Victory Road, do you think this match will show what each of you guys can bring to the table individually?

The four of us have been working together for a long time, especially me and Joe. We were working together for a little while and developed some really good chemistry. We threw Crimson into that mix in a three way on one of the pay-per-views and we stepped up putting together better matches with the three of us. Now throw Magnus in, who I have been working with previously for months in India, and worked earlier on with with the British Invasion when I tagged with Hernandez, so I knew what all four guys could do. And so does Joe. When we’ve teamed together in these matches, we’ve tried the best we could to showcase each of our talents, hide our weaknesses, play to our strengths and go out there and put on the best matches possible. I can’t stand how I keep hearing that tag team wrestling is dead, it’s not what it used to be. To a degree, there are certain truths to that. So it was up to us to check our egos at the door, go out there and put the match first. When you have four guys like us who don’t put ourselves first, but put the match and the story first, the result will be the match we had at the last pay-per-view. And I’m hoping we can go out there and do even better this next pay-per-view.

As a wrestling fan, are there any other matches you’re looking forward to seeing?

I’m a huge wrestling fan at heart. I wouldn’t be staying away from my wife four days a week if this wasn’t something I had crazy fandom over. I like Austin Aries a lot. He goes out and performs his job as a villain and makes those fans boo him. I’ve got respect for a guy who does that. No matter how many times the fans might cheer for him and might be impressed with the moves he can do, at the end of the day the guy still goes out there and makes sure he performs his job. No matter who he’s wrestling against, they’ll end up getting cheered as a result. That’s a heel’s job at the end of the day, so I respect Austin for that alone. But his in-ring ability is just ridiculous. I like his storytelling, I like everything about his promos and I’m very much looking forward to his match.

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