Tag Archives: Laura Lau

“Silent House” is chilling, until the end

Silent House (starring the other Olsen girl, Elizabeth) is one of the most uniquely shot movies that I’ve ever seen. The soundtrack is minimal, appropriately scattered throughout the film. But what stands out the most about this film is the fact that the entire movie is done in one uninterrupted take. So, from the beginning of the movie all the way until the end, you’ll see a continuous shot form the same camera, giving it a sense that things are actually happening in real time.

This is the first film that I’ve seen shot like this, and it had me thinking a few of things. First, it made me feel really bad for the actors if the director needed to yell ‘Cut!’, because they would have to start all over again. Second, there were several moments where the camera is following a character who’s running, and it’s legitimately difficult to follow what’s going on. I don’t normally get motion sickness while watching a film, but admittedly, this film had me looking away just to stay oriented. And third, it did have an INCREDIBLY creepy effect on the film, because it leaves the viewer not knowing what might be just off screen, which provides some genuine scares.

Based on the 2010 Uruguayan film La Casa Muda (The Silent House), Silent House is about a young woman who becomes trapped in the lake house she grew up in. The house is now haunted by unknown terrors and you see her gradually slip in into a panicked psychosis.

While the plot is fairly basic, the ending proves to be a bit of a disappointment. I won’t give anything away, but don’t be surprised if you leave the theater feeling a bit underwhelmed. There’s such a great buildup of tension throughout the film, then the film just ends abruptly. Perhaps this was the directors’ intention, in an attempt to leave an eerily lasting impression, but it really falls flat.

All in all, Silent House is a decent horror film with plenty of genuine scares and a bit of a disappointing ending. Is it worth seeing in theaters? For the amount of tension that is built up, yes. Just be warned; that tension won’t last until the very end.

Silent House. Directed by Chris Kentis and Laura Lau. Starring Elizabeth Olsen, Adam Trese and Eric Sheffer Stevens. Rated R. www.whyisthishappeningtome.net.