Tag Archives: James Storm

History repeats itself as “The Cowboy” James Storm heads to Bound for Glory

Courtesy TNA Wrestling

This time last year, “The Cowboy” James Storm had been edged out of the Bound for Glory Series by his friend and tag team partner Bobby Roode. Though Storm showed his support for Roode, who challenged Kurt Angle for the Total Nonstop Action World Heavyweight Championship, Roode came up short. Just days later, Storm got a shot at Angle and won the title, only to lose it the following week when Roode broke a beer bottle over his head in Macon, Ga. Almost a year later, Storm looked to be on track to win this year’s Bound for Glory Series to face the champion at this Sunday’s Bound for Glory. But history repeated itself and Roode in Storm’s match, causing Storm to be eliminated from the tournament and resulting in their match against each other at the pay-per-view. With TNA returning to Macon a few days after Bound for Glory again this year, one has to wonder how much history might repeat itself yet again for Storm. As he prepares for this Sunday’s Bound for Glory, Storm talks to Wrestling with Pop Culture about his ongoing rivalry with his former Beer Money tag team partner.

Things are coming full circle for you heading into Bound for Glory. It was just after last year’s Bound for Glory that your former partner Bobby Roode turned on you. What are your thoughts about your match against Roode this Sunday?

Courtesy TNA Wrestling

It’s the same as any other time. I just take it one day at a time and see what happens. I don’t want to get ahead of myself and put the cart before the horse, as they say. You never know what the next day might bring, and with Bobby Roode it’s just one of those things where you’ve got to be on your toes. Right now, he’s one of the best in the business.

How do you think King Mo‘s role as special enforcer might play into this match? Do you expect him to get involved in any way?

To tell you the truth, I don’t care if he gets involved or not. It is one of them things where if he gets in my face I’ll punch him. I don’t care if he’s an MMA fighter or not. I’ve beaten people up in bars before, so he ain’t gone be no different.

TNA was in Macon for an Impact Wrestling taping just after last year’s Bound for Glory, which is where you won the TNA World Heavyweight Championship from Kurt Angle. You’ll be back in Macon for a house show right after Bound for Glory again this year. What are your thoughts on returning to the place where you won the title and had a beer bottle smashed over your head by Roode?

We try to hit each town at least once a year and definitely go to the surrounding towns. We were just in Atlanta, but we also went to towns right around the edges and now we’re working our way down to Macon. Hopefully this deal with Bobby will be over with. If not, maybe I’ll be facing him again in Macon.

You’ve been in and out of the title picture ever since he took the title from you last year. Are you looking to get back in the title hunt after Bound for Glory?

Courtesy TNA Wrestling

Yeah. I mean, anybody who is a singles wrestler always wants to be in the world title hunt. For me it’s more special because I actually won by points in the Bound for Glory Series and I feel like I should be going on to Bound for Glory to wrestle for the World Heavyweight title. But it’s one of those things where I’ve got to get my stuff done with Bobby first, then move on.

I was at last year’s show in Macon, as well as the recent shows in Atlanta and Gainesville. You seem to get a warm reception anytime you’re down South. How does that feel for you, being from Tennessee?

It’s great. To me, that’s what wrestling is all about – just going out and having fun and putting on the best shows I can for the people. I think that comes across to them and they know I’m there to have fun. Of course, you’ve got a ton of beer drinkers in the crowd, so that goes over good, too.
