WWE’s Big Show talks about his current career goals

With his win over Cody Rhodes last month at WrestleMania, the Big Show exacted revenge for the embarrassing video packages of Show‘s less-than-stellar WrestleMania history Rhodes had been airing. But with this victory, the man billed as “The World’s Largest Athlete” also became the Intercontinental Champion for the first time in his decorated career. As he prepares to defend that title in a rematch against Rhodes this Sunday at Extreme Rules, the Big Show talks to Wrestling with Pop Culture about his current goals in wrestling and helping younger Florida Championship Wrestling talent become the next generation of WWE superstars.

Prior to WrestleMania, the Intercontinental title was the only current title you hadn’t held. At this point in your career, is there anything else you have yet to accomplish that you’d like to do?

Courtesy WWE

There are a lot of things I still want to accomplish in my career. It’s funny, I don’t have a room full of trophies and titles and magazines and action figures and all that stuff. I think there’s a room in my house where my wife has all that stuff boxed up, but I’m still looking for next week’s show, next week’s event, next month’s event. I’m still having too much fun performing. I think I’m actually doing a better job now than I’ve done my entire career as far as in-ring performance, promo ability and all that stuff, so I’m still having fun. As long as I can stay on the active roster and stay competitive, I don’t see myself doing anything else.

As far as goals, I just want to help make the business better than it was when I came in. That’s all I can do. I don’t have any wisdom for you. Sorry, buddy. I’m a working man.

Is there anyone you haven’t faced or have yet to defeat that you’d like to face?

I’ve never been really big on the win-loss thing. I’ve probably had a couple thousand matches and I couldn’t tell you how many I’ve won or lost. I can’t tell you what I did four weeks ago. But there’s a lot of new up-and-coming talent from FCW and a lot of up-and-coming talent on our current roster I wouldn’t mind getting in the ring and rolling around with because someday they’re going to be pretty big stars themselves. It’d be nice to be able to say I’ve been in the ring with those guys. I’ve been fortunate enough to have been in the ring with a lot of the most fantastic stars this business has ever seen, and some of the new talent coming up looks pretty amazing, too. It’ll be fun to get in there and rock ‘n’ roll with them a little bit.

Is there anyone in particular you’d like to mention?

Ah, you’ll see.

For more information, go to www.wwe.com.

Plaza Theatre fundraising festivities include “Valley Girl,” “Godzilla vs. Megalon” and more

Atlanta’s Plaza Theatre is the city’s only remaining independent movie theater. Despite celebrating the cinema of yesteryear with events such as Professor Morte’s Silver Scream SpookShow, Blast-Off Burlesque‘s Taboo-La-La and Gorehound ProductionsSplatter Cinema (as well as current films), the Plaza is struggling now more than ever to keep its doors open. Now a  a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the Plaza celebrates a big weekend of events beginning with tonight’s Save the Plaza March.

Costumed supporters of this longstanding theater will begin gathering at 5 p.m. before heading down Ponce de Leon Ave. at 5:30 p.m. This parade of kooky Plaza performers and anyone else who wants to dress up and join the cause will turn left after a few blocks before heading back up North Ave. and returning at the Plaza around 7 p.m.

The fundraising festivities continue tomorrow night as the Plaza screens the totally rad ’80s romantic comedy Valley Girl at 8:30 p.m. But like most Plaza events, there will be more than just a movie screening with additional festivities beginning at 7:30 p.m. There will be silent auctions and prizes from local business such as Ria’s Bluebird, the Euclid Avenue Yacht Club, Fantasyland Records, Stratosphere Skateboards, Diamond*Star*Halo, Libertine, Monster Joe Coffee (who made the Wrestling with Pop Culture and ATLRetro T-shirts, which will also be included as prizes) and many more.

The event is hosted by Blast-Off Burlesque, whose members will be on hand to hand out auction prizes and provide other costumed entertainment. Prizes will also be awarded in the ’80s costume contest and Valley Girl accent contest. And the whole event will be emceed by The Pop Culture King himself, Jon Waterhouse. Tickets are $15 with all proceeds going to the Plaza Foundation.

Saturday sees the return of the Silver Scream SpookShow, this time with a screening of Godzilla vs. Megalon. Professor Morte and his creepy crew of characters, go-go dancers and other monstrous fun will introduce the movie with the vile variety show they’ve become known for. Kids ages 12 and younger get in free to the 1 p.m. matinee, with an additional show at 10 p.m. As one of the Plaza’s marquee events in recent years, the SpookShow is the perfect followup to the previous days’ philanthropic festivities.

For more information, go to www.plazaatlanta.com.

Georgia Wrestling Now welcomes “The Lethal Dose” Stryknyn and the “Hardcore Giant” Ron Niemi

On another special Tuesday (yay!) edition of Georgia Wrestling Now, Wrestling with Pop Culture, Team All You Can Eat’s Matt Hankins and “The Human Hand Grenade” dany only talked to National Wrestling Alliance Southern States Champion “The Lethal Dose” Stryknyn and Sunbelt Championship Wrestling‘s “Hardcore Giant” Ron Niemi, formerly of IPW (Independent Professional Wrestling) Hardcore Wrestling, NWA: Florida and Deep South Wrestling.

The "Hardcore Giant" Ron Niemi

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Paul Zaloom makes fun of white people in “White Like Me”

Paul Zaloom is best known for his portrayal of Beakman on the comically educational children’s show Beakman’s World. But Zaloom has also established a career on smaller stages with comical puppet shows that address political fears and social anxieties in insightfully funny ways. The most recent addition to his puppet show list is White Like Me: A Honky-Dory Puppet Show, which recently debuted in Vermont and Washington, D.C. before arriving at Atlanta’s Center for Puppetry Arts April 20-22. As he prepares for these shows, Zaloom talks to Wrestling with Pop Culture about using junk as puppets, touring the world as Beakman and finding humor in otherwise serious subjects.

A border control agent kicks illegal aliens out of Arizona in "White Like Me." Photo courtesy Paul Zaloom

This is a very new puppet production for you. What can you tell me about it now that you are touring with it?

It is, indeed, brand new. Hot spanking fresh out of the comedy puppetry oven, so to speak. It was inspired by the ludicrous idea of having a show about being Anglo-Saxon – being white, that is. It involves two kinds of puppetry. Toy theater is like a miniature theater that’s projected in high definition on the large screen. What’s funny is I use toys, tools, appliances, junk, tchotchkes and different knick-knacks and crap that animate as puppets in this little play about being Caucasian. All this crap actually looks fabulous in HiDef, it looks just amazing. It’s kind of amazing that you can take this shit and make it look fantastic and cinematic. The proscenium is 16:9, which is the HiDef aspect ratio. So the projection fits right within the bounds of the proscenium.

You often use found objects and non-traditional items in your puppetry. Do you have an assortment of objects you bring with you for this show or do you work with what each venue has?

I bring all the crap with me. It’s all rigged in such a way that it can do the necessary gags. Like I have a dude who needs his arm to jiggle and I have a line and handle attached to that. If I just found stuff on the road, it wouldn’t have the same fabulous cheap production values, which is oxymoronic. With an emphasis on the moronic. Oxymoronic probably means “really clean moron.”

The last show of yours I saw was The Mother of All Enemies, which was mostly shadow puppets. How does this show compare to that one?

It’s probably even more fast paced and in a certain sense it’s more surreal, it’s less literal. The jokes come really fast in this particular one. There’s a lot of sight gags and visuals, playing with scale, there’s some improv if something goes wrong. If there’s a slip of the tongue, I like to take advantage of it and improv. I’m also doing a ventriloquist introduction. I have a ventriloquist dummy, a real old-school dummy, and basically what happens is he’s been packed in a box for 50 years and I take him out and hint him to what has changed in the past 50 years since he’s been in the box. It falls into a conversation about race. So the whole thing is kind of a comedy

Paul Zaloom and his ventriloquist dummy Butch Manly wrangle over race and ethnic identity in "White Like Me." Photo courtesy Paul Zaloom.

about something very serious. The motivation is the fact that Caucasian’s are going to be a minority in 2042 in the United States. So that’s kind of the tent pole this whole thing is built on. What kind of anxiety do we have about that? I think it’s hysterical that white people are going to be in the minority. The tables turn and how are we going to respond? Are we going to dig in and flip out or are we going to be copacetic and accept the inevitable? What’s interesting to me is the comedy about Caucasian anxiety. The purpose of the show is to get people to laugh their asses off about something that’s actually kind of serious. But there’s no message or anything like that.

You also still do the Beakman Live! tours. How often do you do that?

As often as I get the gigs. I know that sounds ridiculous. I’m touring with a new show called Beakman on the Brain and it’s about neuroscience for 6-to-12-year-olds. I’m going to Qatar and Brazil with that show, which I’m looking forward to. That’s a comedy about serious stuff, too. Neuroscience is serious and complicated stuff, but it’s kind of a goofy show that introduces kids to those concepts.

And in both cases you’re using comedy to make people think about things in different ways.

Exactly. The possibility of comedy is to be able to look at things in a different way. It’s like having your mind expanded in a fun way.

A lot of your shows, this one included, involve political and social ideas. Even though there are all sorts of puppet shows that deal with different subjects, a lot of people still view puppetry as a children’s art form. How do you think puppetry mixes with these more serious issues?

Puppetry has traditionally been an art form for both adults and children. It’s also traditionally been subversive because with an oppressive government, if an actor says something directly you can get into trouble. But if you mediate it through a gibbling doll, the authorities are stupid enough to think that’s OK because it’s not an actor saying it, it’s a doll. There’s a great tradition of political satire and comedy with puppets. It’s only recently that the dominant cultural application has been that it’s kids’ entertainment. But that’s changing in part because of the Center promoting puppetry as an adult thing.

We’re used to 3-D entertainment and million dollar movies, but puppetry’s kind of a return to basics. Audiences really like seeing a bunch of crap gibbled around because it’s sort of refreshing without all the hyper technology and the glossy, well-buffed [stuff] as opposed to the on-the-spot, in-the-moment, goofy, lo-tech charm of it. My shows are relentlessly lo-tech despite the video projection.

Where does White Like Me go next and what do you have going on after that?

I’m going to New York City to do three weeks at Dixon Place starting May 25. I’m taking Beakman to Brasil in June and August and Qatar in November. I’m working on some art projects. One of the things I do is take thrift shop paintings and alter them to my specifications. I don’t paint, I hire a guy named Gregg Gibbs to paint for me. But I just come up with these gags like I found a picture of a building and he painted a whole bunch of clowns in it killing each other, shooting at each other and all this clown mayhem. That one’s called “Never Rent to Show People.” You can’t rent to show people because we’re freaking crazy. There’s about 25 of those and I’d like to make some more of those. I have one where there’s a couple of mountain lions on a cliff, and it’s kind of a corny Western painting. It’s been changed where you see just the fingertips of some guy over the edge of the cliff and his backpack’s there and the cats have blood on their mouths and it’s called “Cat Chow.” That’s just a hobby, but I also want to branch out into making prints myself and doing sculpture just for the hell of it.

For more information, go to www.zaloom.com.

Centrifeud brings party gaming full circle

Centrifeud, developed by Secret Library, is a fun new pick-up-and-play party game for the Apple iPad. The premise is simple; two-to-four players guide primary colored rotating discs around the virtual game board, bouncing off the walls and each other while trying to collect pink pellets. Once a player has obtained 13 pellets, the round is over with the option of starting a new game or calling it quits. Along the way, there are opportunities to collect power-ups such as drunk mode, blind mode and turtle mode that either help you, hinder your opponents or both.

The most important factor about this game (as well as it’s biggest selling point, in my estimation) is the ease of gameplay. Within a minute of playing, I was able to not only get the basic premise of the game, but also figure out strategies for winning. Its simplicity, combined with the beautiful visuals and kickass soundtrack, really make it stand out among other iPad apps.

Centrifeud is colorful, imaginative, universally accessible and basic enough for people of all ages. And with it only costing $1.99 to download, this game comes highly recommended.

For more information, go to www.secret-library.com.

One-Eyed Doll takes its kooky costumed punk on tour with Peelander-Z

With a demented Gothic Lolita look and a spastic goth punk sound, Austin’s One-Eyed Doll is just as much a performance art act as a punk rock band. Fronted by the adorably disturbed Kimberly Freeman, who performs in babydoll dresses and smudged eye makeup (and often pulls a “special boy” on stage to momentarily be part of the act), and anchored by Jason Sewell (better known simply as Junior), this Texas duo has caught the eyes and ears of anime conventioneers, heavy metal headbangers and punk rockers across the country. After opening for Otep last year and having recently concluded its tour with a revamped Orgy, One-Eyed Doll is now on the road with theatrical Japanese punk band Peelander-Z, which seems like a perfect match considering both bands’ love of costumes and rock ‘n’ roll. Having just started this tour last week, Freeman and Junior take a moment to talk to Wrestling with Pop Culture about their upcoming album Dirty, the differences between playing anime conventions and dive bars, and recording with former WWE Women’s Champion Lita.

I first saw you three years ago at Dragon*Con and have since seen you headline smaller club shows and open for bigger metal acts. Each time I’ve seen you, your show and presentation have been a little bit different. How do you decide what you’re going to do for each show and tour?

Photo by Sydney Frames

Freeman: It just sort of happens when it happens. We don’t really plan for any particular kind of show. It’s just different because of whatever my mood is, usually. This crowd tends to like the silly stuff and the sing-alongs and things like that, so I think we’re probably going to be able to pull out a lot more of the slapstick on this tour, which is awesome. Of course the Peelander-Z crowd is into clowning around and stuff, so that’s cool. We’ve definitely, this past year, played to some more serious audiences. But probably the most lighthearted audience was the Orgy tour and this one. That’s always fun for me to just kind of let go and not worry about it too much.

Before the Orgy tour you toured with Otep and other heavier bands. I can see how that might work, but how would you say these drastically different audiences have reacted?

Freeman: We cross over into different genres, so we can kind of tour with whoever and usually do pretty well. We can always win a crowd over, but the real serious metal crowds make you prove it before they’ll let you into their comfort zone. We usually only have 30 minutes, 20 on some tours, so it’s a real challenge to figure out the balance of what an audience is going to react to. We usually just feel it out on the spot, but the past couple of tours have been getting a lot easier. It could be just us getting used to being this opening band on these bigger tours. The more aggressive the entire show is, the more resistant people are in general to everyone. And the more rock ‘n’ roll or punk [the show is], the more open they’ve been.

I know back in the day Orgy was a lot more techno industrial rock. But they’re doing their comeback, which I’m real excited for, and they’re a lot more straight-up rock now. It’s really cool. They’re all actually playing their instruments, they’re not doing backing tracks, Jay [Gordon]’s actually singing his songs. There’s a keyboard on stage, but that’s the only hint of ’90s industrial techno. It’s really rocking, guitar driven, heavy drums and cool stuff. That crowd had a lot more girls in it, too, because they’re kind of a hearth throb-y sort of band.

Is that why those audiences were fun?

Freeman: I think that was part of it. I love playing to a lot of girls. I love having a lot of girls in the audience. They were just so chill. I think there were just no expectations because nobody knew what to expect from Orgy, so they had an open mind. That was just a really great tour for us. I really enjoyed it. This one has been really fun so far. It’s hard to tell the first couple of days what it’s going to be like, but I think it’s going to be so fun. The Peelander-Z crew is just a blast  and they’re silly and they costume and do skits and the crowd loves to sing along and get into it. Their crowd already knows what they’re going to do. They’re totally stoked about it. It’s really exciting for them. I love seeing people turn into children. And it’s real punk, you know. It’s a punk, pirate-y, easy going crowd.

Like One-Eyed Doll, Peelander-Z is known for playing Dragon*Con and anime conventions. How do those shows compare to playing rock clubs?

Photo by Chad Elder

Freeman: Oh man, it’s such a different world. I’m sure those guys would tell you the same thing. The conventions are their own little mini-universes. Everybody’s in costumes and they’re not exactly a rocker crowd that would go to the dive bar. They’d probably never set foot into a scary punk bar. It’s a really all-ages-friendly, innocent, fun place and it’s a real safe environment. We usually have a stage crew and pretty nice stage and lights and they take care of us and put us into a hotel room. But this kind of tour is a lot more Road Warrior-style. It’s a lot of small bars and intimate settings where you can fit maybe 50 people into the room and the stage is a planks of wood in the corner. They’re willing to pay you in beer, so it’s a totally different world. You’ve got the safe convention world where you have a built in audience of up to several thousand, then you have these dive bars that are dirty, smelly, dark and fun.

And they both fit with the One-Eyed Doll aesthetic in very different ways.

Freeman: Yeah, I think so. I think Peelander-Z thrives in both environments, too. It’s funny because we just got off these more high profile tours onto this short little dive bar tour and it’s kind of refreshing. There’s usually no backstage, there’s certainly nowhere to hide, so you’re right there with everybody. That can be kind of fun. That’s kind of how we used to tour all the time. It’s been a little bit of a refreshing thing and it’s a real no-pressure kind of environment. We’re just playing shows on our way back to Texas. no big deal.

A few years ago you played with a band called the Luchagors, fronted by Amy Dumas, better know to wrestling fans as former WWE Women’s Champion Lita. As a result, she has become an outspoken supporter of One-Eyed Doll.

Freeman: Oh, yeah. Amy is a dear friend ever since we played together in Austin a few years ago. I’m as much of a fan of hers as she is of me. I think she’s great. When I saw her on stage for the first time with the Luchagors, I just totally fell in love. I was like, “I don’t know who this girl is, but we’re going to be best friends because she is awesome!” So we always hit each other up when we’re coming through town. She’s always on the road and we’re always on the road, so sometimes we cross paths. We’d love to do some more collaborating. She sang on one of my songs called “Insecure” for the Into Outer Space album. It’s my electropop dance album that’s just under the Kimberly Freeman name, even though Jason did all the instrumentation and arrangement. We still call it a solo album. I think she has a beautiful voice and she’s such a great performer. She’s been very supportive and we really plug each other whenever we can. I just love having my girl rocker friend. We recorded her parts in less than an hour and she did great.

You also have a new album coming out called Dirty. When will that be out and what else can you tell me about it?

Freeman: We’re pressing a new vinyl record. It’s being manufactured right now and as soon as we get back from this tour we’re going to have the first proof to check out. So it’s coming out really, really soon. We’re going to release it vinyl only, at least at first.

Junior: We recorded it at Sylvia Massy‘s studio in northern California called RadioStar. It’s this old art deco theater that’s filled with all this classic gear from the ’60s and ’70s that we’ve always wanted to work on. It was just the kind of environment that inspired a more classic sounding album. At the time, we had planned to record a real shiny, super-produced, radio-ready rock album, which we did. But at the same time we both were like, “Man, we want to use all this cool gear to record something more like Black Sabbath or Pink Floyd. Sylvia was so cool that she basically let us stay there and do whatever we wanted. After the first couple of weeks of recording, she realized I was also a producer and knew what I was doing with all of her gear. So she just let me do whatever I wanted after that and we were like, “Yes! We’re going to record another album.” We wanted to approach Dirty kind of the way they recorded back in the day, so we recorded most of the guitar and drums live together.

These days almost every song you hear is recorded to a metronome, so there’s a click track keeping the tempo and everybody plays to that so it’s the same tempo throughout the song. A lot of our songs, the way Kimberly writes them, the tempos gradually speed up and slow down and are really alive. We just wanted to capture that live feeling and not do it to a metronome. We played the songs together live, so they have that feel of how we do it at a show. Then, of course, we were like, “Well, crap. We’re going to have to release that on vinyl if we really want to do it right.” So we pretty much just stayed in the analog domain, but we’ll eventually put it out as a download and CD. In that sense, I think it’s a lot different from our other releases. But I think it’s also just a darker, moodier type of album. We usually have lots of ups and downs, but this one’s pretty much all downs.

You often tour with a third member known as Mister Swimmy Socks the Goldfish. Has he been involved in the recording of this new album?

Junior: He usually just tours, although he is on the Dirty album on a song called “Weed” that’s named after the town we recorded in. But he didn’t play bass, he played banjo on that song. He’s actually a really awesome banjo player.

Are you playing anything from Dirty on this tour?

Photo by Denise Borders

Junior: We’re playing a few songs, yeah. Actually, there are a couple of songs from the Monster album that we re-recorded for this album. They just have a different feel when we play them live now, so we wanted to capture the new feel of those songs. So a couple of the songs on the new album are classics that we play live all the time anyway.

Freeman:You want to be our guest [at a show]?

Absolutely. Do I have to earn that by performing in some way?

Freeman: Well if you would like to, I would consider you for a special boy. But that’s up to you. It’s volunteer only.

I guess we can talk about that at the show.

Freeman: Awesome! Make sure to grab us before the show.

For more information, go to www.oneeyeddoll.com.

UFC 141 marks Lesnar’s final UFC fight before WWE return

When UFC 141: Lesnar vs. Overeem got under way on Dec. 30, 2011, it seemed the biggest news that would come in the aftermath of the main event would be who the number one contender to Junior dos Santos‘ UFC Heavyweight Championship would be. But as we all now know, it would end up being Brock Lesnar‘s last fight in an Ultimate Fighting Championship octagon (allowing his recent return to WWE).

As this Ultimate 2-Disc Collection shows, UFC 141 offered a lot of hard-hitting mixed martial arts action well before the heavyweight main event was even close to getting underway. The first disc features the main card, which begins with a featherweight bout between former Ultimate Fighter competitor Nam Phan and the undefeated Jimy “The Kid” Hettes. Though Phan takes it all three rounds, Hettes dominates the entire fight, extending his streak to 10-0 via unanimous decision.

Next is a light heavyweight fight between Belarusian veteran Vladimir “The Janitor” Matyushenko and Sweden’s Alexander “The Mauler” Gustafsson. Unlike the previous fight, this one ends about halfway into the first round when Matyushenko runs into what would otherwise have been a Gustafsson jab, giving The Mauler an opportunity to pummel his opponent into a TKO victory.

The third bout shows Johny Hendricks making short work of one of UFC’s most celebrated welterweights Jon Fitch with a surprising knockout punch only 12 seconds into the first round. On the opposite end of the spectrum is the co-main event, a lightweight fight between the cocky and aggressive Nate Diaz and bull rider-turned-fighter Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone.

Nate Diaz (right) earns his victory over Donald Cerrone in UFC 141. Photo by Donald Miralle

Unlike most of the other fights on the card, there seems to be a legitimate dislike between Diaz and Cerrone, which only adds to the excitement. And it’s not often that you see a UFC fight go all three rounds, let alone two on the same card. But Diaz and Cerrone not only take each other to the limit, they also put on a display that earned them both Fight of the Night honors. With Cerrone taking Diaz off his feet several times and Diaz landing numerous hard punches and kicks, this one really could have gone either way. But in the end it’s Diaz who walks away with the win via unanimous decision.

The main event pits the highly decorated Dutch powerhouse Alistair Overeem making his UFC debut against former UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar. This being Lesnar‘s first fight back since not only losing the title to Cain Velasquez, but also after overcoming his second bout with diverticulitis, it appears as if Lesnar is back in fighting condition. The fight gets off to a solid start, with Lesnar opening up Overeem just over his right eye early on. With the crowd solidly behind him, it soon becomes apparent that Lesnar is not 100 percent when Overeem lands a kick to his gut that sends Lesnar reeling in pain. Overeem takes advantage of this opportunity and lands numerous shots to Lesnar’s body to attain a TKO victory in the first round. After the fight, Lesnar shockingly announces his UFC retirement.

Alistair Overeem lands a kick to Brock Lesnar in his UFC 141 victory

Also included on this two-disc set are the Countdown to UFC 141, which provides some background on all the fighters and fights on the card, and the weigh-in show, which shows a bunch of muscular guys stripping down to their underwear to weigh-in for the fights. The weigh-in offers additional insight into some of the fights, most notably the Diaz/Cerrone encounter since Diaz was forced to work off an extra pound before entering the octagon.

The second disc also features five action-packed preliminary bouts, all of which go all three rounds and come down to very close decisions. It also includes a behind the scenes package and the Ultimate Insider, which provides even more looks at what UFC fighters do leading up to their matches.

For more information, go to www.ufcstore.com.